Wrap Up – March Safety People Forum

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The recent Safety People Forum brought together industry professionals to discuss the evolving landscape of workplace safety training and development. The forum highlighted several key points that underscore the challenges and opportunities in enhancing safety education within organisations.

Professional Development and Peer Learning

One of the standout themes from the forum was the effectiveness of Professional Development Groups (PODs) in facilitating training and peer group learning across different organizations. These groups offer a dynamic platform for sharing knowledge and best practices, fostering a collaborative learning environment.

Industry Leadership in Training

The forum emphasized the need for more industry-driven leadership in Registered Training Organizations (RTOs). There’s a growing consensus that for training programs to be truly effective, they must be closely aligned with the real-world demands and leadership practices of the industry.

The Power of Mentoring

Mentoring was highlighted as a critical and swiftly deployable method for enhancing safety training. Participants agreed that mentoring, by leveraging the experience and knowledge of seasoned professionals, stands out as one of the most effective training strategies.

The Limitations of Cert IV

A significant point of discussion was the limitations of the Certificate IV in Work Health and Safety. While it serves as a gateway for individuals entering the safety field, it falls short in preparing them for the complex challenges they will face in the workplace. This creates a “chicken and egg” dilemma, where the certification is necessary to enter the industry but insufficient for real-world demands.

Microlearning and External Training Providers

Microlearning emerged as a valuable tool for advancing education and addressing specific learning needs within a shorter timeframe. Additionally, due to the limited capacity of internal Safety and Learning & Development (L&D) teams, many organizations are turning to external providers and groups to deliver training programs. This trend underscores the need for external expertise in complementing in-house training efforts, especially when internal teams are preoccupied with other priorities.

Addressing Different Types of Gaps

The forum delineated the roles of training, mentoring, and coaching in bridging various gaps within workplace safety. Training is crucial for addressing skills gaps, mentoring for experience gaps, and coaching for behavior gaps. This nuanced approach to development is essential for a comprehensive safety culture.

Thank you to everyone who attended. Your attendance and thoughtful conversation is what makes these events special. It was a great, engaging discussion and we’d love to invite you to join us at the next on in April. Click here to see what’s coming up next.


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